Food Intolerances Test
Diet-related health issues can be frustrating and debilitating, often involving multiple visits to clinicians and specialists.
Symptoms of food sensitivity can manifest in many forms, from low-level intolerance to certain foods, up to chronic responses like Coeliac Disease.
Fitgenes applies its expertise in genetics to provide personalised advice and interventions to prevent diet-related health complaints, using nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics.
Nutrigenetics: the study of the impact of genetic variation on dietary responses
Nutrigenomics: the scientific discipline that studies how nutrients affect gene expression
Put simply, your genes are not your destiny: you can modify your genetic predisposition to certain conditions by making the right dietary and lifestyle choices.
Your report is easy to understand, but if you need a little bit of extra help, Dr Lisa is here for you. As a trained and accredited practitioner, she will help interpret your personalised genetic report and guide you through your FoodChoice journey.
This test will assess genes related to Coeliac/Gluten Sensitivity, Lactose Intolerances, Caffeine Sensitivity, Alcohol Intolerance, Salt Sensitivity, Histamine Intolerance and Food Allergy risk.
How the Order Process Works
Once your order has been processed, Dr Lisa will contact you to discuss next steps. Depending on your location, your Kit will either be mailed to you or you may collect it in person from Dr Lisa's Central Coast Practice. Once your results are in, Dr Lisa will contact you for a follow up consultation.